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American Business Heroes

Your Go-to Source for all History on Famous American Business Entrepreneurs

Industrial Smoke

What to Expect

I’m so glad you’ve arrived. American Business Heroes is where I share and educate young adults on the men and women who brought value to the world in each industry of our economy. Readers should expect to see the impact that each person made, their background, how they achieved their objectives, brought innovation and new ideas into the marketplace. Every story provides a lesson that we can use for our own lives. Take a look around; perhaps you’ll discover what exhilarates you. Are you ready to be inspired?


Modern Architecture

Economic Sectors

Types of Industries

There are a multitude of industries within our ever expanding economy and it is often difficult to decide which profession you may be best fit for. Find your interests and desired skillset. Here are some common types of industries to consider:  â€‹


Advertising and Marketing

This industry focuses on promoting products to audiences through paid and live efforts. Attracting a following by publishing media and print outlets is one-way media works. 

Electrical Engineer


Develops and explores matters such as renewable and nonrenewable energy to improve the world we live in and the efficiency of businesses. Companies can involve oil or gas reserves, oil and gas drilling, and refining.

Agricultural Spraying


Cultivation: The process of cultivating Land and animals to produce foods, drinks, and essential items. 

Filming a Scene


There are many forms of Entertainment in the U.S. economy; some involve sports, movies, music, television, theater, and web series. 

Construction Workers


Consists of building specific buildings, houses, and other structures for businesses, residents, and communities.

Trading Floor

Finance and Economic

Finance and economic industries can involve work in banks helping others operate their finances while other professionals in this industry will focus on keeping businesses financially stable. Investing and asset management, Corporate, personal, public finance, and banking are just some professions in this industry.

Manufacturing Assembly


Converting raw parts and materials into finished products, which they sell to companies. This industry puts products on the market for consumers.



Media and News

In today's society, media and news can come from anywhere, whether it be podcasts, social media, television, radio, online articles, websites, and newspapers. Providing information to members of society and individuals throughout the globe is this industry's primary function. ​

Press Coverage
Male Pharmacist


Improving the health and well-being of others is the goal of workers in the Pharmaceutical industry. This is achieved through research and development and by providing medicine and other drugs to patients, physicians, and insurance companies.  


The telecommunications sector incorporates many companies that transmit data globally through audio, voice, words, and video. Some examples of Telecommunication are telecom equipment, services, and wireless communication. 

Network Cable Technician
Image by Korie Cull


This industry focuses on marketing, media, manufacturing, supply chain, and e-commerce. Providing the consumer with jewelry, accessories, apparel, cosmetics, and footwear. 


This industry concerns the movement of people, goods, and products. The various transportation methods nowadays are trains, trucks, planes, and boats.

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